The Puntland area of Somalia is considered the epicenter of piracy in the region
The Puntland area of Somalia is considered the epicenter of piracy in the region
  • Maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia has risen to alarming levels recently
  • Piracy has contributed to an increase in shipping costs and impeded the delivery of food aid shipments. Over 90% of food aid shipments arrive by sea
  • Piracy is especially concerning to India because most of its shipping routes pass through the troubled area in the Gulf of Aden
  • It is estimated that more than USD 150 million has been paid as ransom to the pirates
  • In Oct 2008, the United Nations passed Resolution 1838 calling on nations to apply military force to repel the pirate threat
  • The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia has allowed the US, France and India to deploy military vessels inside Somalian territorial waters to combat piracy
  • Maritime piracy is a serious shipping threat in the Strait of Malacca as well (between Indonesia and Malaysia/Singapore)
Background to piracy in Somalia
  • There has not been an effective government in Somalia since the collapse of the Siad Barre regime in 1991
  • Somalia is one of the poorest countries in the world, causing many young men to look towards piracy as a lucrative professions
  • The internationally recognised Transitional Federal Government is weak and controls little territory outside the capital Mogadishu
  • Due to the absence of an effective government in Somalia in decades, there has been much illegal fishing and toxic waste dumping going on in somalian waters. The UN envoy for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdullah, has attested to this fact
International response
  • Military operations are conducted by the Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150), Russia, China and India
  • The CTF-150 is a multinational naval task force established to pursue the war on terrorism in the Horn of Africa region. It is based in Djibouti. Countries contributing CTF-150 include Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Pakistan, Britain and the US
  • In Aug 2008, the CTF-150 established a Martime Security Patrol Area (MSPA), a specified patrol zone, between Somalia and Yemen
  • European naval vessels operate against the piracy independently, through CTF-150 or through the European Union Naval Force Somalia
  • The EU has established Operation Atalanta to combat the piracy threat. Countries contributing to the mission include Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece and Sweden. Non-EU members Norway and Ukraine are participating as well
  • The UN has adopted resolutions 1814, 1816, 1838, 1846 and 1851 in relation to fighting piracy off Somalia
India’s response
  • India has received permission from the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to deploy vessels inside Somalian territorial waters to combat piracy
  • India first deployed warships in the region in Oct 2008 (INS Tabar)
  • India has until now deployed two warships to the region and is considering deploying more
    • INS Tabar – a Talwar class frigate. The other ships of this class include the INS Talwar and the INS Trishul
    • INS Mysore – a Delhi class destroyer. The other ships of this class include the INS Delhi and the INS Mumbai


  1. Coral reefs found to be evolution hotspots
    1. Scientists have found that coral reefs give rise to many more new species than other marine habitats
    2. The report in the journal Science reports that new species 50% faster in coral reefs than in other habitats
    3. The data for this study was compiled by an international project called the Paleabiology Database
    4. Coral reefs are aragonite (calcium carbonate) structures produced by living organisms. Coral reefs live mostly in tropical waters. The Great Barrier Reef (northeast Australia) is the largest coral reef in the world
    5. The Paleobiology Database is an online resource on the distribution and classification of fossil animals, plants microorganisms compiled by an international group of palaeontologists working over the internet
    6. The world is currently losing 2% of its coral reefs every year, mainly due to increasing ocean temperatures
  2. Super-earth began as a gas giant
    1. The smallest known planet outside the solar system, Corot-7b, is postulated to have begun as a gas-giant planet
    2. Scientists say that the most of the planet’s mass has been boiled away due to the heat from its star
    3. Planets found outside the solar system are called exoplanets. Around 400 exoplanets have been discovered so far
    4. Corot-7b is the smallest exoplanet discovered so far. Its mass is just five times that of the earth and is presumed to be rocky
    5. It is located approximately 500 light years away in the constellation Monoceros
    6. Corot-7b was discovered by the French space based telescope Corot in 2009
    7. COROT (Convection Rotation and planetary Transits) is a space mission led by the French space agency CNES in conjunction with the European Space Agency (ESA) and other international partners. It was launched in 2006
    8. The objectives of COROT are to search for exoplanets with short orbital periods and to perform astroseismology
    9. COROT is the first spacecraft dedicated to discovering exoplanets. It found the first exoplanet Corot-1b in May 2007
    10. Corot-1b is approximately 1600 light years away in the constellation of Monoceros
  3. Venezuela devalues currency
    1. Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chavez, has announced that the country’s currency is to be devalued by at least 17%
    2. Venezuela’s currency is the Bolivar Fuerte. It is the new currency of Venezuela and was launched in Jan 2008. The value of the Bolivar is set by decree, and does not float according to market conditions
    3. Venezuela is facing high inflation (around 25%) and reduced foreign earnings
    4. The capital of Venezuela is Caracas
    5. Hugo Chavez has been President of Venezuela since 1999. Chavez promotes a policy of socialism and is a critic of globalization and neoliberalism
    6. Venezuela’s economy is mainly driven by petroleum exports. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves and the second largest natural gas reserves in the Western Hemisphere
    7. Venezuela is a founding member of OPEC

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