  • Administered by Ministry of Environment and Forest
  • Central Pollution Control Board established to assess and control water and air pollution
  • Botanical Survery of India (BSI): established in 1980 for surveying and identifying plant resources
  • Zoological Survey of India (ZSI): established in 1916 to survey endangered species and  undertake conservation efforts
  • Forest Survey of India (FSI): established 1981, to survey forest resources
International environmental agreements that India is party to
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Rio de Janeiro, 1992
(Earth Summit)
Stablize greenhouse gases levels
  • National greenhouse gas inventories
Kyoto Protocol
(protocol to UNFCCC)
Kyoto, 1997
Combat global warming
  • Carbon credits
  • Clean development mechanism
  • U.S.A. only prominent country to not ratify
Vienna Convention
Vienna, 1985
Protect ozone layer
Montreal Protocol
(protocol to Vienna Convention)
Montreal, 1987
Protect ozone layer
  • Ratified by all UN members
Hazardous substances
Basel Convention
Basel, 1989
Reduce movement of hazardous waste between nations
  • Does not cover radioactive waste
  • Not ratified by USA
Hazardous substances
Rotterdam Convention
Rotterdam, 1998
Procedures for hazardous chemicals in international trade
  • Proper labeling of hazardous products
Hazardous substances
Stockholm Convention
Stockholm, 2001
Restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants
  • Bans DDT for agriculture, permits for mosquito control
Marine Environment
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Jamaica, 1982
Regulations for national use of oceans
  • Set limits for territorial waters, exclusive economic zone etc
  • Set economic and military rights in these zones
Marine environment
Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Protect the ecosystem of the seas surrounding Antarctica
Marine environment
International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling
Washington DC, 1946
Protection from overhunting, regulation of whaling industry
  • Implemented by International Whaling Commissions
Nature conservation
Antarctic Treaty
Washington DC, 1959
Regulate international relations wrt Antarctica
  • Set aside Antarctica as scientific preserve
  • Established freedom of scientific investigation
  • Banned military activity
Nature conservation
Convention on Biological Diversity
Rio de Janeiro, 1992
(Earth Summit)
Sustainable use
  • Cartagena Protocol
Nature Conservation
Cartagena Protocol
(supplement to CBD)
Protect from risk posed by Living Modified Organisms
  • Procedures for handling and use of LMO
  • Established Bio-safety Clearing House
Nature Conservation
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Washington DC, 1973
Ensure trade in animals and plants does not threaten survival
  • Protects more than 33000 species
  • Only one protected species (Spix’s Macaw) has become extinct
Nature Conservation
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
Ramsar (Iran), 1971
Conservation and sustainable use of wetlands
  • Covers over 1.8 million sq km
Nature Conservation
UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Paris, 1994
Combat desertification
Mitigate effect of drought
  • Only international framework to address desertification
Nuclear Safety
Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, In Outer Space and Underwater
Moscow, 1963
Prohibits all test detonations of nuclear weapons except underground
  • Prominent non-signatories: France, China, North Korea
Nuclear Safety
Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
Vienna, 1997
Defines financial liability for nuclear mishaps
  • Defines nuclear damage to include environment
  • Liability not less than 300 million SDRs ($400m)
  • Coastal states covered for damage during nuclear transport
  1. National River Conservation Plan
    • Prevent river pollution and improve water quality
    • Launched in 1985 with Ganges
    • Rivers covered: 37
    • Pollution load tackled: 3000 MLD
  2. Ecomark Scheme of India
    • Label environment-friendly products
    • Launched in 1991
    • Follows a product from raw materials to manufacturing to disposal
    • Covers multiple product categories including soaps, paper, food items, lubricating oil etc
  3. National Afforestation Programme
    • Objectives: ecological regeneration, development of water resources, employment generation
    • Implemented by Forest Development Agencies and Joint Forest Management Committees
  4. National Action Programme to Combat Desertification
    • Implements provisions of UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
    • Improve quality of life of locals
    • Drought preparadness and mitigation
    • Assessment and mapping of land degradation
    • Overseen by Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
    • India is host country for “Agro forestry and soil conservation in arid, semi arid and dry sub humid areas”

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