Availability of Ground Water

Ministry of Water Resources has constituted a Central Level Expert Group headed by Chairman, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and comprising of 27 Members including representatives of Central Government, State Governments and Academicians. The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Expert Group, inter-alia, includes:-
            (i).            Ensuring assessment of ground water available in deep/unconfined aquifers.
          (ii).            Assessment of annual replenish able ground water resources of the States in coordination with the respective State Level Committees for the reference year 2011.
        (iii).            Supervise estimation of utilization of the annual replenish able ground water resource of States as on 31st March 2011.
        (iv).            Prepare a National Level Report on assessment of ground water resources and its utilization as on 31st March, 2011.
          (v).            Integration of ground water and surface water data with a view to facilitating planning for constructive/integrated use of water resources.
            For solving the problem of depletion of ground water, Central Government has taken following steps:-
               (i).            Extending technical and financial support to States/UTs under schemes such as Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme; Command Area Development and Water Management; Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies for conservation of water resources in the Country.
             (ii).            CGWB has prepared a Master Plan for artificial recharge to ground water in the Country.
           (iii).            Setting up of National Water Mission with the objective of, inter-alia, conservation of water resources.
           (iv).            Circulation of a Model Bill by the Ministry of Water Resources to all the States/UTs to enable them to enact ground water legislation for its regulation, development and conservation; and
             (v).            Advisory by Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) to all the Chief Secretaries of the States and Administrators of the Union Territories, having ‘Over-exploited’ blocks, to take measures to promote/adopt artificial recharge to ground water / rain water harvesting.

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